That! Dairy Snack

That! Dairy Snack
Available in: Wild Chocolate and Cool Bananas

3 Fast That! Facts
X As much calcium as a 125ml glass of milk
X As few calories as a medium apple
X Around half the sugar of many leading brands of fruit juice

I'm a huge believer in making healthy eating fun for kids, and encouraging them to  only eat the best. 
I have been buying the squeeze packs of yoghurts and even fruit since forever, even back to when I was pregnant with Hayley who is now 4. I used to have a major craving for yoghurt in the wee hours of the morning, so this was a quick and easy way to subside my cravings.

I love how easily they fit into the kiddies lunch boxes or even my handbag when I am on the run. That! Dairy Snack is full of flavour and so far from bland like a lot in out on the market. This would have to be right up there with the best I have actually tasted, especially the chocolate.

My girls when devouring their yoghurts always look for more after they have slurped the last drop up, that's how much they love this stuff. It is also very gentle on their tummies and I haven't had any tummy trouble or popping troubles either. I would recommend this to any mummy or daddy out there looking for a great dairy snack. My daughter Hayley was a bit sceptical at first and a tiny bit afraid of the eye monster on the front. But once she warmed up to it she was fine and just kept wanting more and more. We made jokes and now she holds the packet saying.. " I SEE YOOOUUU" 
As for Madison she could care less she just finishes every lit drop and just doesn't want to stop.

Each squeeze of That! dairy Snack has absolutely no preservatives and no artificial flavours or colours which makes it perfect when choosing a healthy snack.

That! Dairy Snack is low GI, gluten free and has the natural goodness of Australian milk so it's not just delicious, it's healthy.

I will be ordering more of these for my fridge and love that they have a long life in the fridge as well.