Back to Reality....

That's what I was living like for a week up at The Murray river, and you
know what I wouldn't have had it any their way.
What an amazing want to spend New Years, with my beautiful family and no
idiots or drunks to cause trouble.
Every year without fail my family (partner and two girls) go up to the
river for a week or more, there is never really a set time to get back. I love
it so much, the serenity and quite is just unbelievable.
Waking up to the birds chirping away and the sun beaming through your
tent, and falling asleep watching the sunset over the river while sitting on the sand.
This year was the first year that little Madison has actually been
camping. She loved the water and it was so hard to keep her out of it, although
the first day there she had no idea what to do in the water and was very uneasy
n her feet (even with a life jacket on.) The only one bad thing about camping
with Madison is the mosquitoes absolutely LOVE her and her blood, no matter how
much spray you apply on her or how much coils you put around they attack the
poor little monkey. The only place she was safe was in the tent with long
sleeve jammies on and some pants. And you couldn't really do that for a lot of
the nights as it only got down to 26 at night.
There was one day there I thought I was ready to die... It was a 45
degree day and it felt horrible to even breath. I couldn't take it anymore and
neither could the family so we all jumped into the car and headed to the
nearest golf course (which was an absolute treat on the eye, and nice and icey
cold inside.) we had some lunch in there and a couple of ice cold
I love camping so much and can't wait to go back, I'm trying to convince
my partner to head back for Easter. But I can't see that happening as we are
saving for QUEENSLAND :-) eeeekkk