I am going to
be honest here, there was a time not too long ago I was super close to throwing
my vac through the window- and possibly fractured my toe by kicking it as hard
as I could.
The Mum
(probably along with every women in the world) dislikes cleaning, especially
when you turn around two seconds later only to find the kids have left it
upside down and topsy turvery. And then to have cleaning products and as I like
to call it machinery that makes life even more frustrating is a no go (and ends
up in fractured toes)!!
Dyson is a
brand I have recently fell in love with and this is not only due to the fact I
have worked with them and my blog, but because their products do work like they
are meant to.
The newest
thing for me from Dyson is Dyson V6 handstick vacuum.
I have always
used a lug around vac and for no real reason to be honest, as most of the
surfaces in our house are floorboards and I usually sweep them. The reason I
sweep them is my current vacuum scratches my boards, and the noise is almost
like nails down a chalkboard.
All the little bits and bobs you get included in with your Vac!
So when Dyson
reached out to me with their brand new Vac I couldn’t resist and wanted to see
if there was a better alternative to what I have been using!
Before using
this vac though I thought it may be best to speak to the brains behind the unit
and see what I was going to be putting to the test, and where the idea came
So here is my
interview with Archie Henderson Senior Design Engineer (who flew in from

It was based
mainly around Australian feedback and the engineers. But then closely followed
by Australian Mother’s who don’t need something big, and want a powerful quick
clean up.
My next
question was: “ When designing this unit have you designed it for a standard
height or is the unit adjustable?”
The unit is not
adjustable and has been designed to the standard size, but the head can be
removed so that you have a handheld unit..
My youngest
having breathing problems and possible asthma, is this unit safe to use around
the house
and will it bring on allergies/problems?
The vac does
have a HEPA filter, which is perfect for asthmatics or sensitive airways/lungs.
That was my
interview, I did ask some more questions but I think it was important to keep
this post simple and touch base on the more relatable questions.
I do believe
they should design and adjustable nozzle or head so that it will accommodate
all heights from little people to very tall Mummies and Daddies.
With the
testing of this Vac I did make the biggest rookie mistake and try out the unit
before even taking photos. I didn’t realise how tricky it would be to get the
compartment where the trash and junk from the floor goes- but I did it.

I quickly
continued to clean my carpets with the Dyson V6 and this is around the time I
realised I should have taken photos before using it.
literally threw my old vac out the front door and into the St Vincent De Pauls
bin and replaced it with my brand new Dyson.
Is anybody else revolted by the hair in this head, which my normal Vac would not have picked up?!
I am honestly
still sickened just writing about this at how bad my carpets actually were deep
down in there.

The unit itself
is very easy on the eyes and I actually really like the design. Do be able to
just quickly grab it out and vac up small messes is great, rather then a massiv
vac or worse still the broom and then half broom and shovel.
My carpets are
now clean enough to sleep (and eat off) – we don’t though haha, that’s why we
have tables and beds.
BEFORE- of course I made this for the AFTER- Clean and tidy
purpose of testing its ability!