Organisation often runs my life, and recently I have looked into conveniently organising my fridge.
I wanted to make things easy, and along the way help the girl learn their own responsibilities. By this I mean, when they are looking for a healthy snack being able to go into the fridge and grab something that has already been cut up.
Now my fridge does look like container city, but I love that food isn’t just stuffed everywhere. To be honest I find with everything cut up and in a container, there is also less wastage. Once they get close to their spoil date I pop them into baggies and straight into the freezer.
Also one thing we do in our house is cook more then we need so that we can have it in the fridge for lunches, and then if they are used they go on to the freezer. So more often then not the food that goes into containers if going to be hot and some of my containers have gone to container heaven due to not being able to cope with the heat, or popping their tops from the steam. I am a busy Mum and cannot just leave something on the bench to cool, and I have tried this before and totally forget about it; it then becomes dog food.
A little while ago I was sent three containers from Curver to try out and see how they handled the Three B’s household. Let me tell you right now, I am already lookikng to extend my Curver range to the pantry and more in the entire kitchen haha.
The three containers I received were the 0.5L Aroma Fresh Premium Rectangle, 1.7L Aroma Fresh Premium, 2.1L Aroma Fresh Premium Square.
My favourite feature of these container are that they stack perfectly no matter the change in shapes, and there are no leaning Pisa’s in my fridge anymore- it is fantastic.

Win an Aroma Fresh Premium pack, valued at over $42.00 each!

Each prize packs includes;

1 x 0.5L Aroma Fresh Premium Rectangle RRP $10.95
1 x 1.7L Aroma Fresh Premium Square RRP $14.95
1 x 2.1L Aroma Fresh Premium Square RRP $17.95
To win all you have to do is share your best organisation tip with me below.