It’s time to dance, yeah, everybody.. That one
line has been going through my head over and over again. Being super lucky to
be able to attend the Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE! Get the Sillies Out! We shimmied
and shook all of the sillies living inside of us out.. We went to the 4:30 show
at the Palais Theatre in Melbourne, there were another 2 shows prior to this
one. I was actually worried that the cast might be over it by now and not as
enthusiastic, but they were anything but. You could tell they loved their job and
what they did, especially DJ Lance Rock.
Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE Get the Sillies Out marks the
third live tour in Australia for the successful Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE! concert
series, which just played over 150 shows to 50 cities across the U.S. and sold out
major markets for the fourth year in a row.

I will let
you know their names and a little about them just for your reference.
Muno- A friendly super cute male red Cyclops, he is the tallest and most
lumpy out of all.
Foofa- A female flower bubble who has a white daisy on
her head. This was my daughters favourite character but then during the show
that changed.
Brobee- He is the smallest and the youngest of all the Gabbas, some may even
say he is the baby of the crew. A small green stripey monster that has super
long dangly arms.
Toodee- A Blue female arctic cat-dragon who looks
nothing like a scary dragon, and in the end turned into my daughters favourite
Plex- A male magic yellow robot, who is portrayed to
be the smart and basically the leader of the Gabba group, always taking the
reigns and leading the team in the right direction.
The one thing I love about Yo Gabba Gabba is they
teach children many things through singing and dancing, and they were the ones
who actually made my daughter not afraid of the dark and she no longer sleeps
with a nightlight.
I found myself singing and dancing along to their
songs and really letting my sillies out, I even glanced over to Mr Serious and
saw him singing along and tapping his feet. He also joined to sing along and
help Hayley get her confidence up. I didn’t think he would like it at all
because being a really manly man he is more a man of Gigs, not kids performances
but he genuinely had a good time :0)
They had two singers Dave Rennick and Tim
Derricourt from the band Dappled Citites there to perform one of their great
songs. That song was Born at the Right Time, I love this song and Matt and I
sat there singing away while our kids looked at us like “Hey Mum, Dad this is
for kids not you.” If you want to hear this song it can be found at
Their Dancey Dance guest was the great comedian
Adam Hills. Matt and I actually love watching his clips and videos, and is the
only time I really hear a deep down in the tummy kind of laugh from Matt, so he
was very excited to see Adam Hill. I do believe the previous shows had other
performers and do believe the one before ours had Peter Helliar. Here is the
link to Adam Hills site
But Yo Gabba Gabba have had many Dancey Dance
guest performances from a range of Australian personalities. Yo Gabba Gabba!
LIVE! special guest bands in Australia in 2011 included Operator Please, Little
Red and Art vs. Science, and past Dancey Dance guests have included members of
iconic Australian bands Powderfinger, Sneaky Sound System and Spiderbait, Dave
“Hughesy” Hughes, Rob Mills, Faustina Agolley, Justine Clark, Merrick Watts,
Sophie Lee, Triple J’s Tom and Alex, Nova’s Ryan “Fitzy” Fitzgerald, Dylan
Lewis and many others.
There is sadly no more Melbourne
Shows left as Yo Gabba Gabba and the team are off to Sydney next where you can
catch them under the Big Top at Luna Park.
Saturday 15 June
Big Top Luna Park, Sydney
Show times: 10.30am & 4.30pm
1300 BIG TOP (1300 244 261) 136 100
If they return to Melbourne next year we will be
sure to attend :0) We left there with a silly in our step and a massive show
bag in the other. As soon as we got home Miss Hayley dressed up as DJ Lance and
danced away.
I would also recommend if you love the Yo Gabba
Gabba! crew and especially DJ Lance then it is worth the extra money to buy the
VIP ticket. After the show we were allowed to meet DJ Lance and get some snaps
of us with him. He is just as lovely and really genuine in real life, even
though he had over a hundred people to meet he was more then happy to spark up conversation
and cuddle the kids and not just move everybody along. The helpers were
actually ushering people on and hurrying DJ Lance up!! This experience
(especially for the kids) was one like no other.