OH MAH GAWD GUYS… I told you I just could not get enough of that fierce blonde show also known as Legally Blonde.
Being invited to see Legally Blonde again was a real honour and an offer I just could not pass up, even if I had to be “sick” (uhum!) I am so glad I did because this show just amazes me and really has me bopping and singing along. Who would have thought that Lucy Durack who plays Elle Woods can make getting down on one knee and proposing so damn hot?! I was busting for the toilet but I could not move from my seat, I was just so drawn to the show and loved the glitz and glam. The dress Lucy wears at the end saying goodbye to the audience was absolutely stunning and full of bling.
I find it so hard to detach from the show and feel Elle’s pain and heart break so much even though I adore Millsy(Warner) when I watched the show for the first time I wanted to kick him in the family jewels for breaking Lucy (Elle's) heart!! But of course I had to leave my emotions at the seat my bottom was on as after all it is only a show :0P and a show I adore.
We got to meet the some of the main men of the show and have some food and bevs with them before the show. This was my chance to break the ice and make conversation with the man that I have had a celeb crush on since the days of watching Carols by Candlelight. Of course I am talking about Robert Mills, and his big bright smile. Buttttttt unfortunately for me Rob called in sick at the last minute and I wasn’t able to meet and which was quite devastating. But then my eyes laid upon David Harris and I forgot all about Millsy (Sorrrry)

I was also wondering what is on their fore heads during the show and thought maybe that her wig may have been falling off, but it was actually tiny little microphone which I found was pretty cool.
The songs are super catchy and even as I am writing this review I am sitting here singing the line “Oh my gawd oh my gawd you guys.” And “ I got a chip on my shoulder hmm hmm mm.” I am actually quite upset with myself that I did not make a little spot into the merchandise stand to buy the CD recording and a few other things, but it was just to crowded and that did put me off a little bit. The toilet line kind of came right across the shop and there were also a whole heap of school kids standing around, so I didn’t want to have to push through etc, etc.
Of course I could know go to this show without a little pink on so I decided to get my pink nails on with the help of OPI and ORLY. I decided I would go the Trademark Pink using
O.P.I- Chic From Ears To Tail (Light Pink)
O.P.I- Piroutte My Whistle (Silver Glitter)
The amount of compliments I received on my mani was overwhelming and actually made me feel quite proud that I did it all by myself. I will be wearing this mani again and my daughter actually has BASKET CASE on her nails as well speak :0)
The understudy that took Robs place in playing Warner was absolutely perfect and having watched the show before with Rob playing the part you can hardly tell the difference. He was very good and also like Rob very easy on the eyes and ears.
I would recommend this show to everyone and know I will be BACK!! But I am super sad to announce that the show has actually been cut short due to the fact that ticket sales have not been as expected and they can afford to run the show for longer. I don’t know how this show does not fill the Princess Theatre each and every show, I loved it.. Although I don’t think I could ever drag my partner along so it really is a certain target audience show. The show will now only run until July 14th here in Melbourne.