The sillies are crazy
little creatures that live inside of us and need to be shaken out! DJ Lance
Rock and everyone’s favourite cast of colourful characters from Yo Gabba Gabba!
are calling fans to get ready to jump, shake and shimmy the sillies out when they
bring their new live tour Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE! Get The Sillies Out! to
Sydney and Melbourne in June.

Chugg Entertainment and
Life Like Touring are pleased to announce that DJ Lance Rock and the Yo Gabba
Gabba! gang will return to Australia for a limited engagement in June. Yo
Gabba Gabba! LIVE! Get the Sillies Out! opens at the Palais Theatre in
Melbourne on Saturday 8 June before playing Saturday 15 June at the Luna Park
Big Top in Sydney.

Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE! is a
state-of-the-art production and an interactive experience that offers audiences
of all ages the opportunity to witness their favourite characters come to life
when DJ Lance Rock and fans say the magic words, “Yo Gabba Gabba!”. The show
will also feature a guest band in each city (Super Music Friends) and Dancey
Dance guest performances from a range of Australian personalities. Yo Gabba
Gabba! LIVE! special guest bands in Australia in 2011 included Operator
Please, Little Red and Art vs. Science, and past Dancey Dance guests have
included members of iconic Australian bands Powderfinger, Sneaky Sound System
and Spiderbait, Dave “Hughesy” Hughes, Rob Mills, Faustina Agolley, Justine
Clark, Merrick Watts, Sophie Lee, Triple J’s Tom and Alex, Nova’s Ryan “Fitzy” Fitzgerald,
Dylan Lewis and many others.
I can’t wait to see who the
special guests are for both the Melbourne Show and the Sydney show, I am sure
they will be great and go off with a BANG! I hope to see some of you there, and
if you will be there come and say Hello :0) I always love putting faces to my
emails and comments.
SOOOOO now for the super fun part, I
have a chance for my Sydney siders to win their way to a Premium Family pass to
the show at Luna Park’s Big top. All you have to do is tell me
“Who your favourite Yo Gabba Gabba character
is an why you and your children would love to see them LIVE!! “
this live show, worth $200
Show time: 10.30 AM
Show date: SATURDAY 15 JUNE 2013
Please leave your email
address in the entry so I can contact you if you happen to be my winner :0)
Comp closes May 12th, Good Luck Lovelies.
Comp closes May 12th, Good Luck Lovelies.
To watch a very special Video Message from DJ Lance Rock letting you
know how excited he is to return to the land of OZ!!
and more information is