Babymoov Inflatable Bath-
You can find these online for about $25-$30 which is really good
for what you get.
How can you bath your
baby when you're on holiday? Babymoov has the answer: an inflatable bath!
base for maximum comfort
for emptying in base of bath
55 x 35 cm (internal), 65 x 45 x 45 cm (external)

even greater comfort, the inflatable bath has a headrest and elbow-rests. When
your baby is older, it converts to a little paddling pool!
The first
time we ever went camping up at the Murray River my youngest daughter Madison
was only a wee one year old. We were up there for 3 days and all three of them
were super hot.
packed this in the boot to ensure that my little miss was nice and clean on our
trip away. We go into town and pack big travel carriers full of clean town
water, so I made sure Mister Daddy Man packed some more so Madison can have a bath each day or night.
I did is left the inflatable bath out in the sun for the entire day and let it
heat up, almost like what a solar camp shower would do. Then come the evening
around 3pm the water was warm enough to pop her in and get her clean with baby
day 2 it was very hot and sunny so I set the inflatable bath up under a tree
and got Daddy to go down to the river with a few buckets of water and fills
Madison’s bath up. I sat with her under the tree as she just float there
keeping nice and cool, I thought it would be a bit much to have her in the
river for the whole day as it even wears me right out.