When I received this package in the mail, I was super excited to
open it.
What mummy doesn't want a salon finish to your nails without
even having to leave the house.
I couldn't think of a worse thing trying to get your children to
sit in a nail parlor while your getting your nails done, for starters they
won't still and will try and get into everything and then secondly I really
wouldn't want them breathing in all them chemicals. I see a lot of ladies in
them places wearing face masks (Im syre they aren’t just a Fashion accessory.)
The fantastic thing about Nutra Nail is it really does leave you
with an easy salon finish in the comfort of your home.
Nutra Nail is so easy to use all you have to do is:
Unscrew all the lids, as it’s a fast moving process, and leave
them at a distance. I made a big mistake, I laid a piece of thick paper down to
protect working surface and as I went to pull out the brush for the activator
and my whole cleaning solution went everywhere. I lost over 3 quarters of the bottle.
I was devastated.

You can get a professional gel treatment for just $24.99
The colour I got the chance to use was the sheer pink (it is
very sheer.) it looks more like a natural gloss with a touch of pink.
The Nutra Nail gel perfect also fills in all them ridges, so
there's no need to file your nails beforehand, you do get a flawless finish.