NEW book by Australian fashion icon
Liz Davenport- A life of Colour (every fashionista's dream book.)
217 pages; full colour; glossy coffee
table book all yours for just $55.00
Available online
or in-store nationally at Liz Davenport stores.
BUT IF YOU BUY THIS BOOK every purchase
of a book gives you the chance to WIN a $2,000.00 Liz Davenport wardrobe- one per each state.

Life of colour, she tells her inspiring
story for her early childhood memories living on a sheep and wheat farm in
regional Western Australia, the way people dressed at church on Sunday, making
outfits for her favourite doll "patsy", watching her mother paint and
exploring nature together and being surrounded by bush land.
In this amazing book you will be
given an insiders look at Liz's journey from country girl to fashion designer
with photos and clippings from her own scrapbook. This book is so jammed packed
with images you could never get bored.
Liz is a respected public speaker and
supports a number of charities through her business activities. As you all know
I love any company or name that puts their hands up and helps out with
charities as there are so many people out there much worse off then us, and
every little bit helps.

If you are feeling lost when you open
your wardrobe not knowing what to wear, even when there is over 100 pieces to
choose from then let A Life Full of Colour inspire you. I am sure if you had
this book like I do, you will never open the wardrobe and just umm and ahh. Now
I can't choose between all the choices. And if you have never been much of a
colour coordinator there's a whole section dedicated to teaching you how. This
section is enough to turn colour blind eyes into rainbows.
My favourite articles and pieces in
this book would have to be the old school days and looking back into Liz's life
and work. I love looking back at the fashion back there and realising its not
much different to today's looks, and all these older pieces are now coming back
into fashion. For example in the I Love a Sunburnt Country article on the right
page, bottom left there is a model wearing a sweater that looks like it is
aboriginal inspired with earthy colours. I was looking at it and though
"oh I like that, it would go very nicely with my new brown colour

So why live a dull life? Let Liz add some colour to it, grab yourself a
copy of A Life of colour and I am sure your life will be instantly brightened :-)