Don’t you hate it when you have to get the Jiff or cream
cleanser out when your tan turns out blotchy or you’re a beautiful shade of
orange * grrrr * This has to be
the worst. I love that you can now clean your fake tan off with just a cloth no
chemicals or anything needed its great!! It also saves your body from being
sore and red from scrubbing away.. Then you realise you probably looked better
orange and blotchy then RED!!!!
My favorite of all TanGO’s
products is the TanGO tanning removal glove. It is just so easy to slip on and
wipe away with out dropping a cloth or it slipping away. Don’t get me wrong the
cloth is great and comes in a handy small tin so you can take it with you
anywhere!! Now these sticky feet were a bit of a laugh in our house!!! I popped
them on only to have my partner walk in and laugh. He went on to tell me it
looked like I was ready to go scuba diving!! Hmm…. Sure ill scuba dive in the
bath!! But these are great when tanning as the tiles tend to get slippery, but
these babies stop that!!
Now I have saved the best until
last…. * drum roll * the AMAZING TanON mitt. Since the start of this year I
have not done my own fake tan without a mitt or glove as one it saves your
hands from going orange. And two you get a flawless result, with no streaking
or blotchy spots. Below is a little info on this glove and how amazing it is.
But I recommend anybody out there to try a mitt when fake tanning. You wont
look back!!!!
Cloth - $21.95 AUD +

tanGO® is the perfect solution we have
all been waiting for. It is as easy as WET ME, SQUEEZE ME, RUB ME. No
more orange hands and feet, just a perfect flawless tan.
Tanning Removal Glove Australia
Glove - $26.95 AUD +

Presented in its very own convenient
canister, the cute pink tanGO® tan removal glove works just like the
original tanGO® cloth, but in glove form! The elasticised band means the
glove won’t slip when you’re sloughing off tanning build-up or errors.
TanGO Sticky Feet
Pairs - $25.00 AUD +postage
They are made out of
non slip foam, hygienic and help stop cross contamination.
tanGO’s sticky feet are
completely sticky on the sole and are a convenient one size fits all.
Please contact us for
larger quantities, also available with your own unique salon branding.
TanON Tan Applicator Mitt
TanOn- $12.95 + postage
The applicator side of the tanON tan applicator mitt is made
of a special soft-touch material that helps spread any type of self tan evenly
onto your skin, letting you blend the product effortlessly, resulting in a
streak-free tan. The mitts special fabric provides a barrier for you hands
leaving them unstained 100% of the time!