is now a faster way to get beautifully smooth skin and long-lasting hair
removal results every day with the new Philips Lumea Precision Plus. The latest
addition to the Philips Lumea family, the Lumea Precision Plus is the only
at-home IPL solution with extra safety for your face. A tailored body
attachment with a bigger application window for larger areas enables women to
treat both legs in just 15 minutes, up to 30 per cent faster than the previous
Lumea range.
enhanced battery life allows women to complete a full body and face treatment
in one application without the need to recharge and it features a prolonged
lamp lifetime of 100,000 flashes, enabling women to use the device for a
minimum of 5 years without the need for a replacement lamp, making it even more
cost effective.
I’ve never been a fan of waxing, it is just a little to painful for me. I have also never been a fan of the god old epilator, as I was left with really bad red lumps and then my hairs would grow under my skin and really annoy me. Shaving is too much of a drag, every three days and then you have to battles the cuts and sometimes the sting. Now my life may have just been made 10 times simpler (and less painful), as my Philips Lumea Precision Plus just arrived on my doorstep.
I opened the Philips Lumea
Precision plus up and a massive part of me was super excited, and the other
half was absolutely crapping my dacks. Some of the thoughts that run through my
head was.. Is this going to hurt, will I have ugly in ingrown hairs, will it
scab up like I’ve seen with some… The answer to all of these so far is NO!!!!
I more then love this machine and can’t wait
to keep you mummies updated!!!
Philips Lumea
Precision Plus is $1,299.95 RRP from Shaver Shop nation wide!
Now I know a lot of
mummies might thing this is a lot of money. But if you add up the cost of soap,
shaving cream, razors, blades and even waxing treatments you would get in 5
years. This device will be a money saver in the end, and saves a heck of a lot of
trouble and even pain.