Melbourne Show 2017 Recap

I know I am totally late to the table with this one and I thought about whether or not it was worth even posting about, but I just had to share our experience at the Melbourne Show this year.

Mr M and I had a lengthy discussion when we got home after this years show and both agreed that now Miss H is 9 and Miss M is 6 that it is the perfect age to be taking our kids to the show. It was completely different from previous years and they truly appreciated every aspect of the show. The bonus for us was that we also had two very well behaved kids (that we didn’t have to watch like a hawk in case they wanted to run off in any direction).

We set out with a budget this year and all up we only spent $300, which if you’ve ever been to the show is pretty damn good! A lot of things can become quite costly especially if you take kids that have a million wants.  This included rides, food and of course showbags.

Our family highlights from the show:

Motorbike show-
Miss M is a complete motor nut now ever since getting her own kit and bike. She’s all for anything that has two wheels and can go fast. She had no idea there was a Freestlye Motorcross stunt show and  To be fair some of the stunts had me close my eyes as they were in the air off their bikes more then they were attached to them!

I can almost guarantee she had no idea of some of the crazy stunts you can pull on motorbikes. Both girls were left on the fence in awe and screaming every time the boys would take to the ramps.

Madi made a comment that when she gets older she wants to do what the boys were doing, I say reach for the stars my girl!

Playing in the snow in the Mt Buller Zone-
My little bunnies became snow bunnies earlier this year when we took off on an adventure to Mnt Buffalo for a weekend away. So as soon as they saw the bright white frozen stuff they were off and hurling snowballs at one another.

This made me miss the snow and am now on a mission to make the 2018 snow trip more epic then this years (which will be hard).

Farm animal Pavillion- 
Out of absolutely everything this always hands down wins the best thing about the show for our girls. They love their animals and growing up around a farm environment they just thrive when they're in the pens playing with all the standard farm animals. 

It is so funny to watch most kids scared and on edge around the animals and all my girls want to do is round them up or feed them as they do on the farm. 

To be honest I think I have to say this is by far my favourite part of the show and we could literally spend the whole day camped on a hay bail in this pavilion with the animals. 

Fan girling-
The girls both loved meeting familiar faces the watch on the TV. The Melbourne Show has many different guest appearance and performers each day of the show. The girls faves of the day were Jane Bun

 and Hi-five

Rides –
 Although this is what cost us the most the girls loved every minute of it. I didn’t agree with the massive price mark-ups but had no say as this was Daddies shout and he was boss. We ended up going online and buying a kids ticket while sitting having our lunch within the show already and added a $100 ride voucher as we didn’t know you had to do this previous to the show. You can pay per ride but if you got one of the ride cards it gave us $30 bonus rides. So it worked out better for us to do it this way.

The girls favourite ride this year was of course their all time face dodgem cars. This was the first year they were tall enough to go on most of the rides at the show. And it was great to be able to see them go on big girl rides together and not be scared ( I was scared for them!).

I think this is everyone’s family favourite and makes it onto everyone’s highlight wheels.  The pyrotechnics that The Royal Melbourne Show pulls of each and every year is by far the best we’ve ever seen. You’re just so up close and personal with the fireworks you have no choice but to just look up and take in the bursts of colour and the smell of gunpowder and get lost in it all.

I recommend the Melbourne Show to everyone, and if you haven’t been yet you need to get along to next years one. It’s an amazing (and very long) day that will have the kids in bed early and hopefully sleeping in for you in the morning J And if you’re anything like this family the above also applies to adults, we were in bed before 10.. and I think we beat the girls to sleep as well (oops).