hipS-sister Review and GIVEAWAY

The first time I ever broke my last phone’s screen was at the gym… I decided to go to the toilet during a workout, and my phone lives in the top of my pants tucked into the back. Somehow (I think I was still in steel pumping mode) forgot all about my phone and just pulled my pants down to go… Luckily my phone was at the front of my pants or it would have been a swish straight down the dunny. But never the less my poor iPhone hit the tiles face first smashing it to a million pieces. 
I remember at that moment, I thought to myself I need to invent something that will stop this from happening at it wasn’t the first time it had happened- lucky for me all the other times my screen did not smash. 
Little did I know, there was something out there and someone already had this problem sorted. 
I am of course talking about HipsSister.

Where HipsSister all Began
Sonia Kanner created the company hipS-sister in America based upon the concept of the dreaded ‘bumbag’. Sonia strived to create an alternative option that is fashionable, functional, and flattering.
While out with friends hiking they got sick of carrying their belongings and decided there had to be an easier way. So she jumped on the computer and after not being able to find something to buy she turned to making one herself.
A simple piece of fabric with pockets! What started as one basic design has now turned into a fashion frenzy. hipS-sister now comes in a variety of fabrics, styles and colors to accompany you wherever you go, and if you are anything like me, you are ALWAYS on the go.
And now, after being a huge success in the USA, we are proud to have started up hipS-sister Australia – to bring this wonderful product to the most active, healthy, and sport crazed public in the world!

So just as it says above this is a stretchy piece of fabric that you wear around your waist to help hold your belongings. Gone are the days where my phone would live in either my pants line, tucked into my undies or worse again- in my bra. I know a lot of women out there are guilty of leaving your phone in your bra, I know I did from high school until into my twenties. 
There are three different compartments in the HipsSister:

First is in the front and is a little pocket where you can keep your mobile or ipod. My iPhone6 fits in there comfortably and not for one second am I scared it will drop out while exercising.

Then the second is a zipper pocket and it is also on the front and is a little zipper where you can keep things like cards and cash.  I barely take money with me but I do like to keep my card on me but if there was an off chance I took money this would fit in with my card easily- but again I would try and stick to notes if you are taking money as you don’t want to be carrying around bulk.

The last zipper pocket is in the back and can hold things like car keys and other bits and pieces if you are keen to get jabbed by keys. For me I will only leave a single key in there as it does get quite jabby.
I don’t think I will leave home when exercising or out to the gym without my HipsSister anymore, certainly beat walking around with a daggy bumbag. And if you don’t want it out for show, when you put your jumper over it, it just looks like a longer t-shirt or singlet.

For all my beautiful following, I have up for grabs a Hips Sister just like this one. For your chance to win all you need to tell me is- How would the Hips Sister improve your exercise regime or even everyday life? 
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And then..... I also have a wonderful code (sister) and will give you $10 off and will be valid until May 18th :-) So why not take advantage just in time for Valentine's Day.
Such a great versatile product that any exercising Mumma needs in their life! 
To see the range of different Hips Sister’s you can head to their link below.
