Usually when going shopping for fruit I will stray away from those bananas that are starting to brown and bruise and head for the slightly green ones. But on this shopping trip I was on the hint for brown bananas, and the reason for that is so I could test out the amazingyonanas that was sent to me. I also picked up a punnet of strawberries to throw in the mix as well.
The YONANAS priced at $79.95 RRP.
So what is the Yonanas?
It’s compact. It’s easy to clean. It’s reasonably priced and wait for it … it makes a frozen dessert that has almost no calories.

You can use nearly any frozen fruit including strawberry and bananas, mango and pineapple or even choc mint but the list of possible creations is only limited by your imagination. And the best thing? Your kids will think they’re eating ice cream and your waistline won’t make any complaints.
Our first batch we made was just plain banana’s and that went down an absolute treat so we then added some strawberries in there to mix things up and it got even better!
So how do you use the yonanas?
First your start with freezing you fruit, whatever suits you will be find to throw in the freezer. You could also buy the already frozen fruit from supermarkets, my favourite is the frozen berry mix.

Then you turn the machine on with the little switch on the side and pop the fruit in the top. And let the yonanas do all the hard work. The texture of the mix is really hard to describe, it is almost like frozen yogurt and that’s the best way I can describe it. Sometimes it can taste a little watered down and this is due to the fact that you need to pop your fruit in a zip lock back when freezing to keep the ice crystals away as much as possible.
The yonanas is so super easy to clean and takes little effort at all. You just remove the top section and then get rid of any of the excess frozen fruit by scraping it with a cake mix scraper or anything else you have. Then all I did was squirt a dot of dishwashing liquid on each of the pieces and rinse them under hot running water; and you’re done.
I cannot wait to use the yonanas in Summer or the hotter months as this will be a live saver both for cooling me down AND keeping a close eye on the weight gain, after all I cant look chubby in my bikini this Summer :0)
Yonanas is stocked at Target, Harvey Norman, Matchbox, Kambo’s and Myer. Go for more info or to order online.