Winter is upon us now, and with
that means a lot more time rugged up indoors as well as some sniffles and
colds. A great way for our family to see the cold through is to snuggle up on
the couch or sometimes in my bed and read storybooks or watch some kid’s shows.
If you ask me I would much prefer to read to them and allow them to get a feel
for words and letters.
We have stocked up on our Winter
books and were also sent some great reads from Scholastic. I will post their
titles below as well as a little review on them. I will warn my viewers though,
this may spoil your reads or it may want you to buy these books to see the
great illustrations yourself.
There was an old
lady who swallowed a mozzie written by P Crumble and Illustrated by Louis Shea
$14.95 from
Scholastic Aus
The cover is really cute and
actually moves in different angles. In one angle you can see a cute old wrinkly
lady wearing a yellow floppy hat with a pink bow, and then in another angle the
little old lady is eating a mozzie, which I thought is really cute and
something different. I love books with Australian roots, and this is everything
Aussie and putting an Aussie twist to an older book, which you may have heard
before “The little old lady who swallowed a fly.” This book has great pictures
and a lot of our Aussie animals make an appearance in this greatly illustrated
Jacko and the Beanstalk
written by Kel Richards and
Illustrated by Rob Ainsworth
$13.99 from Scholastic Aus
Another great and amazing Aussie
title, like I have said above I love the Australian books and sharing them with
the kids. I will warn you there is a scary crocodile in this book, that scared
the living daylights out of my 2 year old. HAHA, but my eldest daughter Hayley
(5) loved this book and gets me to read it to her before she nods off to sleep
in bed. This book is an Aussie verison of Jack and the Beanstalk, the giant
croc is the giant. The watercolour artwork throughout the entire book is so
amazing and I found myself just pausing and taking in the pictures, the kids
loved them as well. Reading this book to my 2year old she actually learnt to
say “ROO” Everytime there was a kangaroo on the page.
The Bear Went Over the Mountain by Louis Shea
$16.99 from Scholastic Aus
This book’s detailed illustrations
are my favourite of all the books I was sent from Scholastic. Also one thing
that totally sold me was the fact that there is a CD included in this book,
which is performed by JAY LAGA’AIA who was by far my favourite ABC Playschool
actor. My daughter’s both love playing this cd, and flicking through the pages
over and over again. So with this book not only did we get to read a great
rhyme we also got to sing and dance along to a super cute cd. There are
so many cute little creature and furry friends throughout this book as well.
King pig
written by Nick Bland and
Illustrated Nick Bland
$24.99 from Scholastic Press
This is a hard cover book and has
had a lot of details put into the drawings on each and every page. I thought
this story was great because at the end of the book I explained to my daughter
that this book was all about being nice and seeing what happens to the King Pig
because he is not nice and literally walks all over his sheep servants. We then
went and read through it again and again and I think she gets the point now.
Especially when we get to the part where King Pig gets all the sheep out of bed
and leads them into his castle only to have them dye their wool and have it
sheared right off their back. My daughter has a sad face and says, “ Mummy that
is not very nice is it, King Pig should just go to the shops like us to get new
clothes.” She kind of gets the point with a little funny twist. In the end the
sheep do get the apology they deserve. I enjoy this book very much.
written and illustrated by Sara
$24.99 and sourced from Scholastic Press
This is a really cute picture book
and the little girl reminds me of my daughter Hayley and her imagination.
This book was also drawn around Autumn which fits in perfect with this cold
weather. It all starts with the mum telling her daughter to hold her hand or
she might fly away. Then the young girls imagination begins to wonder off onto
the things she would do and see if she let go and the wind blew her away. No
matter where this young girl goes her teddy goes with her. My daughter has a
dolly that no matter where we go the teddy is right under my daughter’s wing.
My daughter Madison also likes this book as there is not to many words on each
page, so she has a new picture to look at more often.