
Natvia was created when we learnt about the ill health affects associated with the overconsumption of sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Natvias company philosophy is underpinned by the mantra “ inspire a better life’. 
Natvia truly want to inspire people around the world to make some postivie changes and lead healthier lives. For people trying to lose weight or just eliminate artificial food and sugar from their diet, Nativa makes doing something about it easy.

Available at Coles and Woolworths
170g tubs are $2.29
700g tubs are $6.49
70g squeezy are $1.59
Natvia is available in 40 stick packs, 80 stick packs, 200g canisters and 200 tablet canisters.

I don’t think I will ever look back at sugar again! Why when Natvia has a 100%!!!!! Natural sweetener. Ok I will admit it doesn’t taste exactly like sugar, but hey why would it when sugar especially white sugar is just so bad for you and your family!!! It really does sweeten your food/ drinks. I used this on my daughter’s cereal and she didn’t even notice the difference!! And usually when I change something she knows straight away!!  I also tried it in my tea instead of honey just to see what it tasted like and again it was great!! 
I don’t think there is anything I would change about Natvia’s natural sweetener. The packaging is nice and bright and comes in many different packs and sizes!!
I will be using this from now on instead of white sugar!! It can be used everywhere that you would use normal sugar!!! Im so glad my eyes were opened to this natural sweetener!