
CELEBRATING THEIR 160th BIRTHDAY; now to me that’s saying something, if a product can stay alive on the market that long it has to be good. Especially one that is known to most households!! I know as a kid I grew up with Bosisto’s and my grandma used to use it on my mum and and im not sure but I would think my great grandma used it on my grandma to!

  Bosisto's Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil is a 100% pure natural product with many great natural uses. Such as... an inhalation for coughs and colds, removing stubborn stains and sticky labels and freshening your laundry.  See below for more great natural tips!

Special Features

Helps relieve the symptoms of cold and flu
Helps relieve muscular and arthritic pain
Removes stubborn stains and grease marks
Cleans, freshens and deodorises naturally
Excellent in laundry wash
100% pure, natural Eucalyptus Oil
Fresh, longer lasting fragrance of the Australian bush

 Bosisto's Eucalyptus Oil has been a natural Australian household favourite for 160 years. Bosisto's Eucalyptus Oil
is a premium quality pharmaceutical grade eucalyptus oil which contains Eucalyptus polybractea (Blue Mallee).
It has a distinctive clean fresh fragrance, which is stronger and longer lasting than other eucalyptus oils.
Bosisto's Eucalyptus Oil has a wide range of personal and household uses.

The list of things you can use eucalyptus oil for is seriously close to endless!! Such a great product, great for just about anything. I remember back in the day mum used to use this on my rub on tattoos to get them off. I use it as a stain remover. I also add a few drops in with the fabric softener to get my white nice and bright!! When I am sick I put a few drops into a bowl, then boil some water and pour it in the bowl then sit my face over it to help clear me up!! It is great to naturally and safely clean the bathroom and benches. I could go on and on and on with what to do with eucalyptus oil! I highly recommend every family and household have a big bottle of eucalyptus oil in his or her medicine cupboard! This is wonder oil in a bottle is really worth having!!

Bosisto's Eucalyptus Spray

Eucalyptus Spray is a 100% pure natural product with many great natural uses. Such as killing 99.99% germs around your home and office, eliminating nasty odours and removing stubborn stains and sticky labels.   See below for more great natural tips!

Eucalyptus Spray Special Features

Convenient spray with all the uses of eucalyptus oil
Fresh, clean fragrance of the Australian bush
Natural antiseptic, effective germ killer
Cleans carpets and clothes, removes spots and stains
Cleans, freshens and deodorises, as a solvent and penetrating oil
Economical to use: there is no wastage and each can contains over 1000 sprays
Kills 99.99% germs
Bosisto's Eucalyptus Spray is a multi-use spray with the fresh, clean fragrance of the Australian bush. Natural antiseptic that kills and prevents the growth of germs and bacteria.

Eucalyptus Spray Directions for Use (Personal)
Eucalyptus Spray as an Antisepticʉ۬Helps reduce infection by killing germs and bacteria. For minor cuts and abrasions, hold can 15cm from area and spray.
Eucalyptus Spray to relieve Muscular Aches and Pains
Bosisto's Eucalyptus Spray penetrates sore muscles and tendons, providing temporary relief of pain and helping reduce inflammation. It leaves a feeling of warmth and relaxation. Spray affected muscles holding can 12-15 cm from skin. To increase warmth, vigorously massage sprayed areas.
Eucalyptus Spray to treat Insect Bites
 Bosisto's Eucalyptus Spray helps gives soothing relief from the pain and itch of minor insect bites within a minute or two. Spray bite. Do not rub. Repeat as necessary

My mum has used this on all my brothers and sister and myself! I remember when my grandma was alive she used to use it as well!! And I know mum told me her mum used to always use Bosisto’s on her and all my uncles and aunties!
I personally use this on my own kids. I spray their rooms before they go to sleep, not only do they love the smell but it helps them to breath. It will also help to kill the airborne germs that live in their rooms!
I also use this on their mattresses when they go out to air keep them fresh and germ free!! The smell lasts for a long time as well, I can smell it a week later when tucking them into bed!!
I take this camping as well, for when the nasty mosquitos bite. You just spray the bite and leave it there; it really does stop the itch and keep them away from coming back for more!! I could honestly and truly go on and on and on about these products and my love for them.

For further info just head on over to