Endless Sun Giveaway

Its giveaway time again mummies.
The weather has been terrible here in Melbourne. (Hopefully a little better where you mummies live.) The kiddies have the sniffles, while mum lives on top of the fire!! Not literally!

Today the wonderful people at Endless Sun Tan have supplied me with a great little pack to give away!

I want to bring a tiny bit of summer back into your cold Autumn’s. Who says that just because its winter there’s no need for a nice tan, or maybe you might want to win this one to keep in the cupboard for when the sun shows its face again.

All you have to do is tell me in 25 Words Or Less:

What is the thing you miss most about summer?

Please leave your email so that I can contact the winner!!

Terms and Conditions:
Competition ends on the 24th of June 2012. Winners will be announced on the 25th Of June at 9am.
Stricly, one entry per person. If you make more then one entry your first will only count.
Entrants must be from Australia.

Prize is valued at $105 and includes the Sunless Exfoliating gel, Refreshing Body wash, Hydrating Lotion and Self tanning foam! To see products just head on over to